Welcome to the Executive Director Search Information Page

Executive Director
Job Description

The Executive Director is the principal officer of the Masonry Institute of Washington (MIW) and the Washington State Conference of Mason Contractors (WSCMC); and is responsible for all activities and programs in support of the mission statement. The Executive Director supervises and controls the day-to-day business and performs all duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors. With contractor, supplier and manufacturing members, this diverse group of multi-craft and multi-product members has been the leading force in the masonry industry for more than 75 year.

Resumes and three (3) references should be sent to: [email protected]

Responsibilities include:

1. Ensure the sound management of the organizations.
2. Lead and coordinate the efforts of the organization staff.
3. Manage the office and visitors.

       (Staff is expected to work in the office, except when out for organization relate business.)
4. Advocate in coordination with the Northwest Concrete Masonry Association and other
      like minded organizations in the legislative and state based code authorities including
     the Washington State Building Code Council.

5. Establish a masonry market share baseline, as well as a procedure to keep track of its 
     evolution, and report its progress periodically
(at least, bi-annually).
6. Achieve the Institute objectives in support of the mission statement.
      a. Provide up-to-date design information to architects and structural engineers.
      b. Provide technical masonry data to mason contractors, bricklayers and industry
      c. Promote the many advantages of masonry construction to the designer, general
           engineer and other A/E/C industry partners.
     d. Promote the highest standards of quality design, quality materials and quality
     e. Promote productive working relationships between all parties of the masonry industry.
7. Achieve the Institute objectives in support of the Strategic Plan
     a. Expand the use of masonry b. Improve industry performance
8. Responsible for all events and programs to the A/E/C and internal industry as selected
     by the Board of Directors including:

         a. Executing contracts
         b. Event logistics
         c. Engaging members companies
9. Manage relationships and communications with the Board of Directors and the
     membership and supporters to provide all necessary information for their members to 
     exercise their responsibilities.

10. Manage the Masonry Systems Guide Program
11. Manage the Contractor Certification Program
12. Manage the Awards of Excellence Programs
13. Oversee all consultants – the Board of Directo
rs have final approval of hiring.
14. Manage the Technical Inquiry Programs by handling architectural issues directly and coordinating the response to other issues with the Institute’s qualified personnel.
15. Perform customer A/E/C presentations.

Contractor Assn: Responsibilities 1. Responsible for membership development and recruitment. 2. Labor-Management Relations 3. Marketing of member programs, internally & externally.

Salary and benefits commensurate with experience and WA state requirements.
MIW/WSCMC is an an equal opportunity employer.

Masonry represents brick, block, stone, tile, terrazzo and marble

Sites to Review

Additional industry information can be found at the following websites: